Hogrefe Uitgevers

Hogrefe is the leading provider of scientifically-sound assessments, books and journals for learning and teaching about psychology, psychiatry, and mental health in Europe. Nursing, healthcare and medicine supplement this core portfolio, which is designed to provide professionals with the critical information needed to be successful with patients, clients or employees.With offices in 16 countries we are represented by more than 400 employees.

Our products are used by practitioners in medical clinics and therapists’ offices, by psychologists and teachers in schools and universities, and by human resources management for selection and development. Our focus varies from country to country, as our local offices are familiar with the needs of their customers and can react optimally to satisfy them. The cultural and nationality range of our staff, our offices, and our customers is a source of enrichment and inspiration for our daily work.

Our assessments are available in up to 20 languages, with most of our books and scientific journals published in German and English. We strive to promote the international exchange of ideas that is vital in research so our scientifically-based products can be applied in a wide range of contexts.

Stel deze aanbieder een vraag

  • Hogrefe Uitgevers
  • Weteringschans 128
  • 1017 XV Amsterdam

Het aanbod van deze aanbieder

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